
Communication is Paramount: Do It Early and Often to Improve Benefits Utilization Outcomes

a woman standing in front of a group of people

Many employers offer robust benefits packages for their employees, but are those offerings being utilized to the fullest extent possible? And given often low utilization rates in mental health benefits despite high need, how are you driving higher utilization?

Recent research from Employee Benefits News, sponsored by Calm, offers peer insights into effective strategies to drive higher benefits enrollment and engagement.

In this webinar, hear insights from this latest research as well as innovative benefits engagement tactics from Calm’s Director of People Operations including: 

  • Challenges and success around benefits utilization
  • Current and planned actions to drive benefits utilization by your peers
  • Effective benefits communications strategies for open enrollment and beyond


a woman with brown hair and orange lipstick

Sarah Mann

Head of People Operations, Calm

Sarah Mann joined Calm in 2020 and currently leads the People Operations team. In addition to Calm, she has over 13 years of experience in People operations and recruiting at Bloomberg, Namely, and Honey/PayPal. Sarah quickly found her niche in operations and enjoys building to scale across all things process, compliance, benefits/payroll administration, HR systems, and people data. Her team’s core focus is to support the People team at large and of course every employee throughout their journey at Calm. Sarah has a BA in Psychology & Spanish from the University of Kansas.

a man with a smile on his face

Tim Hwang

Director of Product and Customer Marketing

Tim Hwang has spent the last 18 years working in the pharmaceutical and technology arena, now bringing his passion for people and patients to the mental health space at Calm. As the current Director of Product and Customer Marketing for Calm, he and his team are focused on launching meaningful products and support resources to leaders who are looking to prioritize a preventive mental health strategy at their organizations. Previously, Tim worked at Genentech/Roche, driving the marketing function of a lung cancer therapeutics portfolio, and DocuSign, helping healthcare and life science organizations digitize their patient and process workflows. Tim holds a BS and MEng in Bioengineering from the University of California, San Diego.