Employee Wellness

Strengthening the Mental Well-being of Hispanic and Latinx Employees

This National Hispanic Heritage Month, Calm highlights culturally relevant resources that support the day-to-day mental well-being of Hispanic and Latinx employees.

a smiling man in a denim shirt stands in front of a glass door

The Calm Team

5 min read

The theme of this year’s National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month, “Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America,” recognizes the significant contributions and advances that Hispanic and Latinx people have made in all realms of society. 

At the same time, it’s important to recognize that Hispanic and Latinx people continue to experience significant disparities related to their mental health and well-being. According to Calm research, Hispanic and Latinx people have the greatest mental health needs among all races and ethnicities. Here are a few examples:

  • Forty-nine percent of Hispanic/Latinx people feel nervous, anxious, and stressed more than half the time or nearly all the time, while 41% of Black people and 43% of white people do.
  • Forty-three percent of Hispanic/Latinx people feel down, depressed, or hopeless more than half the time or nearly all the time; just 28% of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders do.
  • Only 36% of Hispanic/Latinx people feel supported by their manager when it comes to their mental health, while 43% of whites do.

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Higher mental health risk among Hispanic and Latinx communities

Hispanic and Latinx communities are put at higher risk for serious and chronic mental health conditions by unequal access to treatment and quality care, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Contributing factors include language barriers, cultural differences, and a reluctance within their communities to talk about mental health, which perpetuates a cycle of mental health stigma.

When Calm asked Hispanic and Latinx people what their employers could do to better support their mental health needs, about half of those who responded said they wish their employer offered access to self-care break rooms at the workplace. They also said they wish their employer offered access to mental health support that aligns with their culture and identity.

Calm preventive mental health resources featuring Hispanic and Latinx artists

In honor of National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month, we’ve curated a selection of culturally relevant Calm content to help Hispanic and Latinx employees address stress, anxiousness, and sleep issues on a daily basis, before they escalate into more serious mental and physical health conditions. These resources are easy to access and integrate into daily routines, and because they feature well-known Hispanic and Latinx artists and influencers—along with a well-known brand—they also help break down the mental health stigma.

  • The Artist: Dreaming with Frida (Sleep Story) – Emily Rios
    Let the voice of actress Emily Rios lull you to sleep as she transports you to the fantastic world of legendary surrealist painter Frida Kahlo at home in 1940s Mexico. Emily is a Mexican American actress known for cutting-edge independent films and television series.
  • Patagonia’s Marble Caves (Sleep Story) – Carla Tassara
    Journey with bilingual actor Carla Tassara to discover the hidden world of Chile’s marble caves and their incredible, ever-changing colors. With roots in Chile and Uruguay, Carla adores the stunning nature of her beautiful Chile.
  • Camino de Santiago (Sleep Story) – Ben Cura
    For 36 minutes, you’ll be transported to the landscapes of northern Spain, walking along an ancient and storied trail with Ben Cura, a British Argentinean actor, musician, and director. 
  • Kindness Toward Yourself (mindfulness walk) – Dr. Eric López Maya
    In less than four minutes, develop a kind attitude toward yourself through this gentle practice. You’ll be guided by Dr. Eric López Maya, founder and director of the Mexican Institute for Mindfulness. 
  • Walk Away Stress (series of mindfulness walks) – Dr. López
    Join Dr. López on a series of short walks—a walk in nature, a dog walk, and other everyday walks—designed to help you find peace in the moment.
  • Create Rest and Relaxation (relaxation exercise) – Dr. López
    Dr. López takes you through an exercise to tense and release your muscles to create a sense of ease.  

Supporting the well-being of Hispanic and Latinx employees  

National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month is a time to celebrate the achievements of Hispanic and Latinx people and their contributions to our country. It’s also an opportunity to recognize the mental health disparities experienced by Hispanic and Latinx communities and take steps to better support their mental health needs. 

Employers can play an important role by providing culturally relevant mental health tools that help Hispanic and Latinx employees reduce stress and anxiousness, get better sleep, and build resilience on a daily basis, before these challenges become more serious mental health conditions. Explore Calm preventive resources narrated in English and Spanish by native speakers.

For more information on proactively supporting employee mental health and well-being, check out our pricing or connect with a Calm specialist today.

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